The world's got me dizzy again

Location: Washington, DC

Monday, May 30

Life goes easy on me- most of the time

No love, no glory.
No hero in her sky
I can't take my eyes off of you...
- Damien Rice

Interesting weekend, to say the least. I learned what pecans were, and I corrected a kid on his erroneous Star Wars toys. (He had Mace Windu fighting a Storm Trooper.) I had a really smelly, skeazy guy call me sweetheart. Ick.

Afterwards, the universe will explode for your pleasure.
- Douglas Adams

There was that law of life, so cruel and so just, that one must grow or else pay more for remaining the same.
- Norman Mailer

Thursday, May 26

Elvis! Elvis! Let me be! Keep that Elvis far from me...

I figured out that I'm going to be Sandra Dee at Emily's S party Sunday.

I got my prom pictures back and there's a fun one of me and the James Mahoney.

Monday, May 23

Beelzebub had a devil for a cycle

There was a caramel EXPLOSION at work today. It was quite exciting. I have very sugary pantalons. I'm getting better at ice cream cones- once I even did a dilly swirl thing even though it was an accident. I smell like fried food.

I helped Emily and Kathleen and Brittany with their video. It's frickin sweet. It's a "JEM and the Holograms".

My class ring finally came today. It's beautiful.

I love everyone!

Sunday, May 22

You know Hope will make you strange

I saw Star Wars. I'm not sad because it totally kicked ass. It was SO MUCH BETTER than Episode II. I love R2D2. And Yoda. But not Padme. She was too weepy. Anakin was so good. I loved the scene in the volcano when he got all burnt up.

Saturday, May 21

You are the boy who keeps me awake

Work is ok. I'm ice cream retarded. I felt so bad when I gave a little kid a really sloppy ice cream cone. I didn't know you could throw the crappy ones out.

I went driving. I had Chinese for dinner. Tomorrow we're going to see Star Wars.

Friday, May 20

Galileo! Galileo!

Tomorrow I will be launched into the career world. I hope I don't screw up. And that no one unsavory comes to visit me. And that my boss turns out to be a nice guy. And that I don't look horrendous in a Dairy Queen shirt. And that I don't get any customers like my dad for at least two weeks.

Tomorrow is also sad because I'm going to see Star Wars Ep. III. There aren't going to be any new ones. The chapter of my life where I waited for new Star Wars movies to come out is ending. But thank god I still have Harry Potter movies to look forward to!

The Skinny

Ok. Prom.

Number of Wonderful Dates: One (Satraj)
Number of Red Tuxes Worn By Said Date: None
Number of Perfectly Coordinating Best Friends: One (Erika)
Number of Pictures Taken by Parents: 3 million
Number of People who ordered the Vegetarian Lasagna: Two
Number of Times I threw up after Dinner: None
Number of Times I Shook Hands With Fancy People: Not Enough
Number of Naughty Grinds: a few more than may have been appropriate

Number of Times I Shook What My Momma Gave Me with What Kate's Momma Gave Her: At least thrice
Number of Sex Offers: Three
Number of Drug- Free Handshakes: Two (Kenny!)
Number of People Whose Buttocks I Grabbed: Uhhh....
Number of Drunk Dances With James Mahoney!: ZERO
Number of Tango Dances (To Techno Music): .3
Number of Times I ran Barefoot down to Niagara Falls in the Rain with Marcus: One Fabulous Jog
Number of Times We Heard Our Prom Song: Twice
Number of Eggs I Ate Before I Fell Asleep: Two
Number of Million Dollar Friends I Have: ONE HUNDRED!

Tuesday, May 17


I finally found my dad's old record player. And all his records. They are so friggen heavy.

I'm so excited! I even know a bunch of the artists. And some I don't, but their album covers are awesome.

Monday, May 16

Let's Get Physical


Monday, May 9

I've got one hand in my pocket...

My chips are stale. And extra salty. Maybe I'll switch to ... crap, what's the word June says when she means Twizzlers?

I made a really cool print of Noah today in Photo. He hadn't known that I'd taken it.

I hate gym.

Sunday, May 8

Mercy's eyes are blue

It feels like way more than a week since I've written in this sucker. I've taken many an exam. The good news is, all that writing got my hand in shape for the pinkie-age of mine and Emily's Iced Tea Party!

All you pickleballers really missed out on a jolly good time. Emily and I had many a witticism. (Ask her about Roman noses.) Emily makes me glad I moved. "We" lost Greg's pink ball from the last time he was at my house. That was dramatic.

Friday night I was miserably sick. I can't figure out why. But it made the SAT's extra fun. Then I went to Maki's birthday party. Apparently they don't eat pickles in Japan unless they're on burgers, so I made Maki eat one. She didn't really like it.

I can't wait to go home on Thursday and see my Erika. Then I'm going to shake up promenade with the gorgeous Satraj.

Happy Mother's Day! We're going to The Waffle House!!!!!!!!!!