The world's got me dizzy again

Location: Washington, DC

Thursday, April 20

It's been six months.

I could have had 2/3 of a baby by now. None of you would even know.

So, the reason Ol' Bloggy's been so neglected is because of the evil devil that is MySpace. And also because I realized that secret pains aren't secret on the Internet. :-0

I'm procrastinating. I should be studying for AP Bio. And doing my graduation project.

Monday, October 24

Brrr. Is it cold in here, or do I just never write in my blog?

I'm President! Yay!

Also, college applications suck.

Tuesday, July 5


I haven't typed in here in a while. Sorry, Blog.

We're in Rehoboth. I'm so excited. I love Rehoboth.

I talked to Layne on the phone for like an hour last night. It was our first telephone conversation, celebrated by works of fire. Many clever things were said.

I never say the F word. <3>

Thursday, June 9

I sparkle on my own

Me and Emily went on a date to her friend Jamie's violin concert tonight and she brought me a flower when she picked me up. She also burned (burnt?) a CD of songs for us to wail to. (I can't honestly call it singing.) After the concert, we all went back to Lindsay's house. But Emily and I stayed in her car for a good twenty minutes after we parked so we could groove.

Then I realized the windows were fogging up and I started writing on them just as the Titanic song came on. It was amazing. Now there's steamy handprints all over Emily's car.

On a different note, happy seventeenth birthday to My Layne. He got my present today.

Monday, May 30

Life goes easy on me- most of the time

No love, no glory.
No hero in her sky
I can't take my eyes off of you...
- Damien Rice

Interesting weekend, to say the least. I learned what pecans were, and I corrected a kid on his erroneous Star Wars toys. (He had Mace Windu fighting a Storm Trooper.) I had a really smelly, skeazy guy call me sweetheart. Ick.

Afterwards, the universe will explode for your pleasure.
- Douglas Adams

There was that law of life, so cruel and so just, that one must grow or else pay more for remaining the same.
- Norman Mailer

Thursday, May 26

Elvis! Elvis! Let me be! Keep that Elvis far from me...

I figured out that I'm going to be Sandra Dee at Emily's S party Sunday.

I got my prom pictures back and there's a fun one of me and the James Mahoney.

Monday, May 23

Beelzebub had a devil for a cycle

There was a caramel EXPLOSION at work today. It was quite exciting. I have very sugary pantalons. I'm getting better at ice cream cones- once I even did a dilly swirl thing even though it was an accident. I smell like fried food.

I helped Emily and Kathleen and Brittany with their video. It's frickin sweet. It's a "JEM and the Holograms".

My class ring finally came today. It's beautiful.

I love everyone!